Personality development makes up a crucial aspect of childhood. Shaping children’s personalities should not demand strict disciplining and instructions at home because with the right amount of parental guidance and meaningful hands-on learning activities, you can easily shape your children’s personalities to be active, spontaneous and independent learners in his/her early years.
Whenever you observe your children’s personality development, have you ever asked yourself, “What kind of person will my children become one day?”. When it comes to understanding the development of your children’s personality, there are certain factors that you can pay attention to including peer influence, the environment your children grow up in as well as your own behaviour as parents. These factors have a lasting impact on children’s personality and mental development up until their teenage years. Moreover, these factors will affect children’s social understanding of the world which would then shape how they treat themselves and the people around them.
When should I start observing my child’s personality development?
Identifying your children’s personalities earlier on helps you to match your parenting skills with your children’s unique personality traits. With the most appropriate measures, you should be able to nurture each of your children’s traits and ensure he/she leads a healthy social life.
How do I nurture my child’s personality development?
One of the best ways to nurture your children’s personality development practices is by giving him/her simple yet engaging character building activities. These small steps can have a big impact on your children’s personality development and will pay off greatly in the long run. Here are suggestions of character building activities that you can try with your children to develop their personalities:
• Conversing with others
Children are more likely to learn something when they practise it. Encourage your child to talk to others to boost his/her confidence. Teach your children to use polite hand gestures and appropriate words and phrases when talking to others. You can encourage your children to practise with you, their siblings and friends in real-life situations. For older kids, teach them to make small gifts such as thank you cards and give these gifts to the people who they are thankful for.
• Setting personal boundaries
Teach your children to have personal boundaries for everything including time, space and touch. Setting boundaries is all about giving clear signals to others when you’ve had enough and pointing out what is right or wrong. It is important to educate your children on how to effectively set boundaries. Create a safe space where your children feel comfortable sharing with you the things that may have crossed his/her personal boundaries. Teach your children to use phrases such as “You are crossing the line” to communicate with others about personal boundaries. This way, your children will understand how to exercise his/her right in deciding the limit to his/her personal boundaries.
• Expressing gratitude to others
Teach your children to count their blessings — as small as having a good day at school to as major as excelling in their examinations. A creative way to do so is by creating a gratitude tree! This craft allows your children to fill the branches of their gratitude tree with things that they are thankful for. This craft teaches children to build healthy relationships, develop positive emotions and improve mental health.
Click the link to make your own gratitude tree:
• Unleashing creativity through arts and crafts
Arts and crafts are known to be one of the best approaches to build children’s character as these activities help refine children’s core cognitive skills such as thinking, reasoning, learning and remembering. Rather than focusing on the result, arts teach children to make meaningful experiences from the process of creating art itself. In addition to nourishing your children’s learning experiences, arts and crafts help reinforce other developmental skills in children such as hand-eye coordination, concentration and patience.
Q-dees Ini Baru Raya: Celebrating Raya in a Different Light
Raya is a period of celebration and a moment of joy for Muslims all over the world. It is also a time when children will be receiving Raya tokens from their parents and relatives, eating various Raya delicacies and spending time with their friends. This year, Q-dees is bringing new light to celebrating Raya by building children’s character while having fun! This involves fun Raya-themed activities packed with meaningful deeds and exciting crafts. The #QdeesIniBarulahRaya aims to celebrate Raya with hype, fun and a whole lot of doing good and being good. Through the #7Qdeeds7days challenge, we nurture children’s personality development by showing them the different ways to do good in the most enjoyable ways possible with their parents, friends and teachers. After all, Raya is that time of the year when we can create lasting memories with our loved ones. From building healthy relationships among friends, appreciating kind gestures and being grateful for things we own, #QdeesIniBarulahRaya shines a different light on how you and your family will welcome Raya this year. Check out the @OfficialQdeesWorldwideEdusystems Facebook page to join in the fun!
With Q-dees, ini barulah Raya!